The purpose of the original Self-Defense Forces is unknown ...

The purpose of the original Self-Defense Forces is unknown ... That the man of the original self-defense officers had knowledge about myself, let you get to the controlled areas of the extremist organization [Islamic State] is discovered. The purpose of man is not revealed, but all over the world, unending young people to try to participate in such as for applicants to the combatants. Islamic countries are referred to as [recruiting], and expand the propaganda through the Internet, etc., countries are increasingly wary. Last October in Japan, as was attempted to travel to Syria to join as combatants in the Islamic countries, the male students of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Ministry of Public Security is Hokkaido, raided my game preliminary conspiracy charges of criminal law, passport It has been seized, and the like. On the Japanese overseas travel, it can also be put out to return his command of the passport on the basis of the passport law, if necessary, such as life protection. However, the Constitution has sang the travel freedom of], actually Hen'no instructions go out are rare.